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There’s a tampon shortage

There’s a shortage of tampons that no one is talking about…

My (horrible) first period!

My first period was awful, hilarious and unforgettable!!

Supply chain issues any one?

How did this happen? Did all the world’s most notorious thieves band together and decide tampons had to go? Did every American woman’s collective blood flow increase tenfold? How is it that we are being deprived of a necessity?


Speaking up about things that are uncomfortable to discuss.

Motherhood talk - Period edition

Being open and honest with our children for the win.

My (impressive) sex toy collection

Happy masturbation May! Let’s talk self pleasure and sex toys.

I got my period back!

I got my period back again after amenorrhea and I’m damn happy about it

Hormone Imbalance

Wacky Hormones?

Four small changes you can make today to manage wacky hormones.

Menstrual Period Pads- RIF CARE

Let’s talk about it…

Let’s normalize talking about our periods with sexual wellness expert Afia Odi

Menstrual Periods Pain- RIF CARE

Are period cramps more painful than a heart attack?

Pali High Alumna Launches Hemp Period Product Company

Hygienic Period Pads

These toxic ingredients could be lurking in your period products!

These toxic chemicals could be lurking in your feminine hygiene products

Self Care

Self Love On V Day

Self love and self pleasure with founder Val Emanuel